Getting Started


There are 3 ways to include RyuseiLight on your site.


The recommended installation method is using NPM. Install the latest version by the following command:

$ npm install @ryusei/light

After the package is installed, register languages and extensions you want to use:

import { RyuseiLight, js, html, Gutter, LineNumbers } from '@ryusei/light';
// const { RyuseiLight, js, html, Gutter, LineNumbers } = require( '@ryusei/light' );
RyuseiLight.register( [ javascript(), html() ] );
RyuseiLight.compose( { Gutter, LineNumbers } );

Languages are necessary, but extensions are not always required. Visit this page for more details about extensions.


You can download the RyuseiLight package from the following link:


Go to the dist/js directory, and you will see several JavaScript files.

ryuseilight.min.jsThe minimal build that includes JavaScript, HTML, CSS and XML without extensions.
ryuseilight-extensions.min.jsContains default languages above and all extensions.
ryuseilight-complete.min.jsContains all languages and extensions.

Pick the file you'd like to use and import it via a <script> tag:

<script src="path-to-the-file/ryuseilight.min.js"></script>

You can add languages by simply adding files located in the "languages" directory.

<script src="path-to-the-file/ryuseilight.min.js"></script>
<script src="path-to-the-file/json.min.js"></script>
<script src="path-to-the-file/typescript.min.js"></script>

You can also add extensions in the same way, but some of them require dependencies. For example, the LineNumbers extension requires the Gutter extension:

<script src="path-to-the-file/ryuseilight.min.js"></script>
<script src="path-to-the-file/gutter.min.js"></script>
<script src="path-to-the-file/line-numbers.min.js"></script>

Visit this page for more details about extensions.


You can also include this library from CDN instead of hosting it on your server.

Importing Theme CSS

Secondly, select a theme file and link it to your site.


Theme files are located on the dist/css/themes directory. You can preview themes in this page.

Linking The Style Sheet

Once select a theme, link it with <style> element.

<!-- Link to the file hosted on your server, -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="path-to-the-file/ryuseilight-ginga.min.css">
<!-- or the one installed in node_modules directory, -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="node_modules/@ryusei/light/dist/css/themes/ryuseilight-ginga.min.css">
<!-- or link to the CDN -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="url-to-cdn/ryuseilight-ginga.min.css">

Applying RyuseiLight

Finally, apply RyuseiLight to HTML elements.

Using Import

Import the RyuseiLight class and call the apply( selector, options ) method. For example, to highlight all pre elements by the JavaScript language:

import RyuseiLight from '@ryusei/light';
const ryuseilight = new RyuseiLight();
ryuseilight.apply( 'pre', { language: 'js' } );

Using The Global Class

If you include the library via a <script> tag, the RyuseiLight class can be accessed globally.

var ryuseilight = new RyuseiLight();
ryuseilight.apply( 'pre', { language: 'js' } );

Make sure the target element is loaded before calling apply().

document.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', function() {
var ryuseilight = new RyuseiLight();
ryuseilight.apply( 'pre', { language: 'js' } );
} );

Multiple Languages

By assigning different classes to elements, you can apply RyuseiLight with different languages:

<pre class="lang-js"></pre>
<pre class="lang-html"></pre>
ryuseilight.apply( '.lang-js', { language: 'js' } );
ryuseilight.apply( '.lang-html', { language: 'html' } );

Or you can use a data attribute to specify the language from HTML. Visit here for more details.

Generating HTML

Instead of applying the highlighter to specific elements, you can get an HTML string by the html( code, options ) method.

const ryuseilight = new RyuseiLight();
const html = ryuseilight.html( `console.log( 'hello!' )`, { language: 'js' } );